Ovaj poziv za podnošenje prijedloga je baziran na EU direktivi br. 1288/2013 od strane Evropskog parlamenta i Savjeta koji je 11.12.2013. godine utemeljio Erasmus+ program.

Erasmus+ program pokriva vremenski period od 2014. godine do 2020. godine i obuhvata sljedeće ključne akcije:

1. Ključna akcija 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals

2. Ključna akcija 2 ( KA2) – Cooperation for innovations and the exchange of good practices

3. Ključna akcija 3 ( KA3) – Support for policy reform

4. Jean Monnet activities

5. Sport Ko može učestvovati u Erasmus+ programu? Bilo koja javna ili privatna osoba koja je aktivna u području obrazovanja, treninga, mladih i sporta može aplicirati za finansijska sredstva u okviru Erasmus+ programa.

Rokovi za podnošenje aplikacija: 1. Ključna akcija 1: – Mobility of individuals in the field of youth: 04.02.2015. – Mobility of individuals in the field of education and training: 04.03.2015. – Mobility of individuals in the field of youth: 30.04.2015. – Mobility of individuals in the field of youth: 01.10.2015. – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees: 04.03.2015. – Large scale European Voluntary Services events: 03.04.2015. 2. Ključna akcija 2: – Strategic partnership in the field of youth: 04.02.2015. – Strategic partnership in the field of education, training and youth: 30.04.2015. – Strategic partnership in the field of youth: 01.10.2015. – Knowledge building in the field of youth: 26.02.2015. – Capacity building in the field of higher education: 01.02.2015. – Capacity building in the field of youth: 03.04.2015. and 02.09.2015. 3. Ključna akcija 3: – Meeting between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth: 04.02.2015., 30.04.2015. and 01.10.2015. 4. Jean Monnet actions: – Chairs, Modules, Centres of Excellent, Support to Institution and Associations, Networks, Projects: 26.02.2015. 5. Sport: – Collaborative partnership in the sport field related to the European Week of Sport 2015 only: 22.01.2015. – Collaborative partnership in the sport field not related to the European Week of Sport 2015: 14.05.2015. – Not-for-profit European sport events related to the European Week of Sport 2015 only: 22.01.2015. – Not-for-profit European sport events not related to the European Week of Sport 2015: 14.05.2015.

Sve dodatne informacije i detalje uslova poziva za podnošenje prijedloga, uključujući prioritete, mogu se pronaći u Vodiču za Erasmus+ program na sljedećoj internet adresi:
